About Providential Co.

Thanks for stopping by!
Hello! I’m Tricia Dugat, founder/creative, wife, mom and convert to the Catholic faith. I currently live in New England with two of my six kids who are still in the nest and my husband. We have 11 chickens and two crazy cats, along with an endless supply of adventure.
I founded Providential Co. in 2016 with the hope of sharing the beauty of the Good News by creating things that will serve you on your faith journey, and that you'd also be proud to gift knowing they were made with thought and care.
This shop has brought me incredible blessings through connecting with customers like you, as well as opportunities to collaborate with other creatives, Catholic businesses, and apostolates I admire. The work here reflects my heart and the way that I feel God has called me to share the love for beauty He has given me.
I hope you find something that inspires your heart! Feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, prayer requests, etc.
God bless you and yours,
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