Can't Stop, Won't Stop
Hello, friends. I'm so grateful that you've stopped in to read what I wanted to share from the heart. It's been more than a year since I decided I was going to close shop and focus on other things, “easier” things. Welp. You can guess by the title of this post that I've had second thoughts, and intense doubts about that choice to cut and run, so to speak.
I've learned a lot of lessons over the past year, but the main one for our purposes here is that business is hard. Running a business is just plain difficult. Add on the other duties of life and you get some challenging times. That is just reality! I got so overwhelmed with all of the duties of running a business that I thought, “well, this must be the sign that I need to stop doing this.” When the truth is that I just needed to pivot on some stuff and outsource the things that were eating up all of my time and energy, e.g. shipping orders and such.
In December I invested in the Life Atlas from the makers of the Monk Manual. Working through this fantastic product has only affirmed what I had been suspecting since early fall... I just can't quit Providential Co. It was born out of a place of mission and it is not done existing. (I do not get any perks from mentioning Life Atlas, btw., I just love it)
Deep in my being I love being creative. My work isn't my identity, but being creative is a participation in the creative work of the Creator and I love that process SO much. What that looks like right now is that I want to get back to making things that serve other people's prayer lives, are tools for conversation (maybe even evangelization), and remind/tell as many people as possible that God is absolutely in love with them.
So here we are! I'll be working on new items at whatever pace makes sense for my family and existing workload, and if you'd like to be kept updated you can join my list here.
In the meantime, thank you for your love, support, and prayers. Jesus, I trust in You!
God loves you,

I can’t adequately express how grateful I am for these comments, friends. Praise God for your love and support!
Awesome! I’ve been patiently waiting for a new soy chrism candle!!!!! Can’t wait to see what unfolds.
So glad you took the time to explore with the Lord, Tricia! You have shown us what courage and vulnerability look like in the real world. Answering God’s call in our vocations is never easy and we are all grateful by your response to His call to use your Charisms to help us all grow closer to the Good Shepherd! May God continue to bless you and your company’s relaunch!
So excited to see you’re back Tricia! Can’t wait to see what’s ahead! Godspeed!